Tag: <span>mother’s day status</span>

Tag: mother’s day status

Happy Mother’s Day

उन लड़कियों को भी “Happy mother’s day“जो अपने boyfriend’s को…..






शोना बोलते है!!!

I loved this Awesome Msg

One who loves till her eyes close, is a Mother.
One who loves without an expression in the eyes, is a Father.
Mother – Introduces you to the world.
Father – Introduces the world to you.
Mother : Gives you life
Father : Gives you living
Mother : Makes sure you are not starving.
Father : Makes sure you know the value of starving
Mother : Personifies Care
Father: Personifies Responsibility
Mother : Protects you from a fall
Father : Teaches you to get up from a fall.
Mother : Teaches you walking.
Father : Teaches you walk of life
Mother : Teaches from her own experiences.
Father : Teaches you to learn from your own experiences.
Mother : Reflects Ideology
Father : Reflects Reality
Mother’s love is known to you since birth.
Father’s love is known when you become a Father.

🙏 Dedicated to all parents.

पति पत्नी और मां

जब पति ने अपना पसीना पत्नि के दुपट्टे से पौछना चाहा
तो पत्नि बोली:-
दुपट्टा गंदा न करो !

जब पति ने अपना पसीना मां के दुपट्टे से पौछना चाहा
तो मां बोली:-
“ये गंदा है.. साफ़ देती हूं” !!

A Priceless Love…💝
Happy mother’s day

बिना मांगे जो सब कुछ दे दे

प्रेम से जो देती है
वो बहन है !👧🏻
लड़ झगड़ के जो देता है
वो भाई है !👦🏻
पूछ कर जो देता है
वो पिता है !👳🏻
बिना मांगे जो सब कुछ दे दे,
वो माँ है।👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Happy mother’s day😊