“When your ex asks if you can still be friends right after a breakup, . . it’s like having a kidnapper tell you to keep in touch.”
“You can never buy Love… . . . But still, you have to pay for it.”
“A promise means everything. . . . But once it is broken, sorry means nothing.”
“Don’t feel bad if someone rejects you. . . People usually reject expensive things because they can’t afford them.”
“I never prove to be good enough… For every one…! . . . But I’m the best for them who understand me. :)”
बीवी और मेरी लड़ाई बराबर की थी अचानक बीवी ने आसुओं कि बारिश शुरु कर दी 😭😭 फ़िर डकवर्थ लुईस लागू हुआ और मैं हार गया 😂😂😂😂😂
एक जरुरी सूचना:- जितने भी लोग छुट्टियों में शिमला , मसूरी घूम रहे हैं, शौक से घूमें.... . . . . पर अपनी फोटो फेसबुक, इंस्टा पर डालकर बेवजह दूसरों के घर बवाल ना मचवाएँ.....!!!! 😂😝😜😝😜😂🙏🙏
Quote of the day: Men are like shoe Laces They enter many holes before they tie the knot !! After tying the knot they are like Belts, They see many holes but eventually put it in the same hole every day. 😂😂😂
“I keep ego and attitude always in my pockets . . so that I can use it when my self-respect and sentiments are being tested by people.”